Feeling Stressed? Exercise!

Exercise is good for so many things, including reducing stress. Virtually any form of exercise - walking, yoga, dancing, lifting weights, biking, will help to alleviate stress.

Exercise reduces levels of the body’s stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. In addition, exercise stimulates production of endorphins, which are responsible for the “runner’s high” and even pain reduction. Intense physical activity also affects dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin, which affect mood, behavior and sleep.

It is a form a meditation. When you are exercising, your brain is getting a break from your daily thoughts and tensions. It helps you to forget your worries and to concentrate on your body’s movements.

Exercise is play and recreation. It is a great way to focus on creative thinking, which allows you to forget what is troubling you.

So find an activity you enjoy and a make if part of your regular routine!


How Exercise Helps During and After Menopause


HIIT Happens to be Excellent for Active Older Adults